Netwise-Praksis ensures success of your web site via marketing
initiatives, online and offline.
Development and launch of a web site is just the beginning. Netwise-Praksis makes sure your web site is successful by giving visitors a compelling reason to visit and marketing the site actively, online and offline.
We accomplish this by providing such marketing related services as:
- Corporate identity development and online branding
- Search engine positioning and optimization (SEO)
- Customer loyalty and marketing initiatives
- Web site awareness campaigns
- Email marketing campaigns
- Online queries and surveys
- Promotional web sites
- Product web sites and brand micro sites
In addition, Netwise-Praksis offers our own Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution to enable you to effectively and efficiently manage all aspects of your customer relations.
Regardless of your web marketing needs, Netwise-Praksis delivers a service or solution tailored to achieve your business goals.